10 Headlines That Will Only Appear in The Onion or McSweeney’s
1. Hoarders, Hermits Thrilled by Quarantine 2. Parents Wonder If They Should Get Teachers’ Salary Plus Their Own 3. Teachers Wonder How...

Andy Towers Goes Pro Again - this Time at the Helm
Andy Towers is big. In personality, stature, voice, ambition, passion and truth. New Canaan is lucky to have him not only because he is...

A Mother of a Movement: Fashion Show Celebrates “FemPower” at the Carriage Barn
With generations of supportive women to rise each other up, there is no limit to what FemPowerment can do. Girls and women of all ages...

My Top Six
Back in the early eighties, it was okay for kids to dress in their Halloween costumes at school for the entire day. Some friends and I...

26 Things I Never Thought I’d Say as a Wife, Boymom & Pet Owner
In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd mix it up a little. Instead of writing about sentimental mom stories (which should be written...

Measuring Success in '17
No matter how you slice it, we conduct business daily, and January is as good a time as any to assess your practices, see what needs...

Firsts and Lasts
Kippy, a high school senior to my lowly freshman status, occasionally gave me rides to and from school. First he was Kippy, then Kip, and...

Carving Out Time
The days leading up to Thanksgiving evoke images of Puritan women rolling up their sleeves, plucking feathers, and having the same...

A Parent’s Back-to-School Quiz
Forget the kids. Are you ready for the first day of school? Or is your mind stuck on a beach somewhere? Get ready to snap out of summer...

Mayo, Violets & Flamingos: A Tribute to Nanny
I watched in horror as Nanny poured Crisco oil into the ground beef and Ragu red sauce in the large black iron skillet owned by all...